Thursday, December 27, 2007
Benazir Bhutto died
Just days before parliamentary polls in Pakistan, leading Prime Ministerial contender and anti terrorism crusader Benazir Bhutto was shot dead during an election rally in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, near Islamabad. "She has been martyred," said party official Rehman Malik.
The Associated Press, citing Malik, reported that Bhutto was shot in the neck and the chest before the gunman blew himself up. At least 20 bystanders were killed in the blast. Bhutto was rushed to a hospital but at 6:16 p.m. Pakistan time, she was declared dead.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
GOSSiP very panas one...
are u very serius P.L huh???
Friday, December 21, 2007
Warna-Warni Dunia
Dunia selamanya akan pergi dan bukan sesuatu yang kekal, masa kanak-kanak akan berlalu dan akan tiba masa remaja. Masa remaja akan habis dan masa tua akan menanti, kehidupan ini akan punah, masa kehancuran akan tiba. Akan tetapi yang telah berlalu tidak akan kembali lagi.
Kita telah mengetahui bahwa segala sesuatu yang ada di dunia ini akan hancur binasa dan tidak abadi. Sebuah pertanyaan yang akan muncul, ketika seluruh fenomena yang ada di dunia ini kekal abadi apa yang akan terjadi? Kehidupan di dunia tidak akan memberikan jejak peninggalan.
Kehidupan ini akan mati jika dilewati hanya dengan malam saja. Begitupula jika kehidupan ini dilewati hanya dengan siang saja maka api akan meliputi seluruh dunia ini dan tidak akan didapati kehidupan melainkan debu semata. Jika selamanya musim panas, maka dengan sengatan panas segala sesuatu yang ada di dunia ini akan terbakar dan hangus, demikianpula jika selamanya musim dingin, maka tidak akan dijumpai sesuatu melainkan hanya ada tumpukan es belaka. Sebuah pohon tidak akan memberikan buah jika selamanya musim semi. Demikianpula tidak akan dijumpai hujan, salju dan air, jika selamanya musim gugur.
Kehidupan yang monoton, tiada bandingannya, tidak menyenangkan dan sangat melelahkan. Mungkin anda tidak akan merasakan jika setetes air dipercikkan di atas dahi anda, akan tetapi dengan setetes percikan ini jika diulangi terus menerus selama satu jam, maka merupakan suatu siksaan yang paling besar.
Dalam suatu kehidupan yang monoton, kelelahan tidak akan hilang malah semakin menetap. Ketidaknyamanan juga tidak akan pergi malah sebaliknya akan tinggal, segala penyakit dan penderitaan akan datang dan tidak akan hilang. Dalam kehidupan monoton seperti ini tidak akan mudah ditemukan suatu pekerjaan, demikian juga kesenangan dan kenyamanan tidak bisa didapatkan. Ya, kehidupan monoton bukanlah kehidupan melainkan kematian.
Perubahan dan penyeragaman, adalah obat penawar hidup yang paling mujarab bagi kedamaian. Perubahan muncul, maka penderitaan akan lenyap dan masa pengobatan akan datang. Penyakit hilang dan kesembuhan akan tiba. Kesedihan lenyap dan kegembiraan akan menyambut. Mengapa dunia ini beserta manifestasi-manifestasinya tidak tetap dan senantiasa berubah? Mengapa dunia ini mengalami perubahan? Dan mengapa di dunia ini ditemukan perubahan?
Apakah materi yang tak berpersepsi ini mampu membedakan antara sesuatu yang bersifat berubah dan senantiasa mengalami perubahan dengan sesuatu yang bersifat tetap? Selamanya tidak akan pernah mampu! Apakah materi mampu mengetahui bahwa hidup secara monoton, adalah berbahaya dan hidup secara beraneka ragam adalah menjanjikan kehidupan? Sama sekali tidak!
Maujud yang ‘âlim akan mampu mengetahui dan mengenali antara keberadaan dan kepergian, kecuali DIA tak ada maujud lain yang mampu menciptakan kepergian sebagai perkara menguntungkan dan menetap sebagai perkara merugikan. Hanya DIA yang memiliki segala kekuatan yang tak tertandingi, ilmu yang tinggi dan tak terbatas, kearifan yang mulia dan mampu membangun fenomena - fenomena kematian dan menghidupkannya serta menghindarkannya dari fenomena-fenomena yang tetap.
Keanekaragaman dan perubahan sebuah eksistensi tak dapat diduga; sebab setiap yang sudah ditetapkan, akan lebih ditetapkan lagi dan setiap yang sudah jelas akan lebih diperjelas lagi. Perubahan yang terjadi di dunia ini tidak hanya menunjukkan ilmu, kekuatan dan kearifan-Nya, melainkan menunjukkan kasih sayang-Nya yang tiada akhir terhadap manusia. Akan tetapi terkadang dijumpai manusia yang tidak ingin melihat tanda-tanda kekuatan-Nya, ilmu, dan kearifan serta kasih saying-Nya.
Manusia yang demikian ini dibutakan dengan tangan-tangannya sendiri dan akan menempati barisan wujud jamâdât (wujud yang tak berjiwa). Padahal dirinya sebagai manusia akan menempati berbagai derajat, mulai dari derajat yang tinggi sebagai makhluk yang berakal, sampai kepada manusia yang jahil dan tak bijak, dimana tak ada lagi tempat bagi jenis manusia ini yang paling baik kecuali menempati derajat yang paling rendah.
Wahai manusia yang menempatkan dirinya sejajar dengan batu dan tanah, mereka yang tak ingin mengenal Zat Pencipta dan Pengasih! Mengapa! Mengapa, mengapa ini semua engkau lakukan? Bukankah dunia dan semua fenomena-fenomenanya ini adalah bukti yang cukup bagimu untuk mengenal dan mengingat-Nya?
**petikan dari ISYRAQ
Sunday, December 9, 2007
ancaman baru waktu ini
letih la camni. bila nak berarak untuk skuad bola kita menang emas sukan sea? tahun ni kita kalah lagi. hampeh.
apa aku tulis nih???
Friday, November 30, 2007
ku petik dari imam al-ghazali
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Aku Hilang DUA Ayah...
Dua tarikh hitam bagi aku tahun 2007 ku hilang dua ayah, kedua-duanya tewas pada penyakit yang sama. Takdir Illahi. Dah dipanggil, dah ditulis, dah kehendak-Nya. Aku redha.
Buat ayahanda Rahman @ Aman Bin Hamid, dan juga ayahanda Muhamad Yusof Bin Muhamad Yasin, moga kita bertemu lagi di syurga. Datang-datanglah jenguk anakan mu ini. Maafkan tuturkata dan salahlaku anakanda sepanjang nafas ini, halalkan makan minum dan anakanda mohon keberkatan dari mu dunia akhirat.
Ya Allah, Kau tempatkanlah kedua ayahku ini ke makam yang terpuji yang telah Engkau janjikan. Amin.
Sultan Pahang bid CCC1 for RM76,000
This is the highest amount paid for a car number plate in the state.
The Pahang sultan also secured the "CCC 2" plate for RM37,000 in an open tender for the CCC series of registration numbers that was opened for 45 days until Oct 25.
The list of successful bidders were displayed at the State Road Transport Department office here yesterday.
Second highest bidders are State Youth and Sports Committee chairman Datuk Dr Ahmad Shukri and State Entrepreneur Development Committee chairman Datuk Shahiruddin Ab Moin who put up RM62,400 each for the CCC 3 and CCC 8 numbers.
Also in the list is Teruntum State Assemblyman Datuk Ti Lian Ker who won the bid for CCC 5 with an offer of RM32,000.
The CCC 1 price is, however, lower than the RM150,000 tendered for the JJJ 1 number in Johor Baru last year.
Other numbers that fetched high prices are CCC 9 (RM48,000); CCC 6 (RM42,000); CCC 888 (RM40,600); CCC 7 (RM32,000); CCC 88 (RM28,800); CCC 333 (RM27,000); CCC 11 (RM21,400) and CCC 4 (RM21,200).
State RTD assistant director Abdul Hakim Abdul Rauf said the department received 2,000 bids for the CCC plate numbers.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Do You Have A Vagina
Sally is at home when she hears someone knock at the door. She goes to the door and opens it to see a man standing there. He asks the lady "Do you have a vagina?". Shocked she slams the door in disgust.
The next morning she hears a knock at the door and it is the same man and he asks the same question to the woman "Do you have a vagina?". She slams the door again. Later that night when her husband gets home she tells him what has happened for the last two days. The husband tells the wife in a loving and concerned voice "Honey I am taking tomorrow off to be home just in case this guy shows up again".
The next morning they hear a knock at the door and both run for the door. The husband says to the wife in a whispered voice "Honey, I'm going to hide behind the door and listen and if it is the same guy I want you to answer yes to the question because I want to see where he is going with it". She nods yes to her husband and opens the door. Sure enough the same fellow is standing there and asks the same question. Do you have vagina?".
"Yes" she says. The man replies.."Good! Would you mind telling your husband to leave my wife alone and start using yours?!!!"
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Our Friends Are Like Angels
Our friends are like angels
Who brighten our days
In all kinds of wonderful
Magical ways
Their thoughtfulness comes
As a gift from above
And we feel we're surrounded
By warm, caring love
Like upside-down rainbows
Their smiles bring the sun
And they fill ho-hum moments
With laughter and fun
Friends are like angels
Without any wings
Blessing our lives
With the most precious things
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
KUALA LUMPUR , 10th Nov 2007 - A mass rally organized by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH) to demand for electoral reforms managed to successfully hand over a memorandum to HM Yang diPertuan Agong (the King) despite persistent actions by the police to deter and intimidate the crowd.
The crowd then decided to make its way to the National Palace after the original venue of the rally, Dataran Merdeka (Independence Square) was completely cordoned by the police.
In the last two days prior to today's event and right up to today, the police and the government had pledged to come down hard on the participants of the gathering:
- Roadblocks were launched on all major arteries into Kuala Lumpur, the venue for the rally.
- Participants were harassed, the yellow t-shirts specially made for the event confiscated.
- Buses were asked to turn back at the toll plazas, and some buses ordered to the police stations.
- Plainclothes policemen were placed on public transportation such as the LRT.
- The Komuter trains and LRT were not allowed to stop at the stations closest to the venue, causing many to miss the event.
- Cars carrying 3-4 passengers were searched for BERSIH-related materials such as T-shirts and headbands.
The crowd in total was estimated at between 40,000 and 50,000, making this the biggest public gathering in the country. Needless to say, that figure would have been much higher had the police not prevented the people from attending the rally.
The memorandum was handed over to palace officials between 3.45pm and 4pm. The delegation included Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim (Advisor to Parti Keadilan Rakyat-PKR), Lim Guan Eng (Sec-Gen of the Democratic Action Party-DAP), Lim Kit Siang (Parliamenatry Opposition Leader-DAP), Dato' Seri Haji Hadi Haji Awang (President of Parti Islam SeMalaysia-PAS), Dato' Kamaruddin Jaafar (Sec-Gen of PAS), Dr Syed Azman Syed Ahmad (central committee member of PAS), Teresa Kok (MP for Seputeh-DAP) and Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim (Sec-Gen of PKR) and Tan Kok Wai (MP for Cheras-DAP).
The memorandum contained a long-term agenda for electoral reform as well as the four immediate demands which are at the core of BERSIH's campaign, namely:
- The use of indelible ink to prevent multiple voting
- The abolition of domestic postal voting for the armed forces
- Cleanup of the electoral rolls
- Fair and equitable access to the national media
- Heed the demands of the people for widespread electoral reform, including the establishment of a Royal Commission to review and reform the electoral system
- Use his authority under Article 40(2) of the Federal Constitution to overrule any decision to dissolve Parliament as long as these four immediate demands are not met.
BERSIH condemns the arrests of peaceful demonstrators and the use of teargas and water cannons by the police, and demands that all those arrested be released immediately.
BERSIH sees the flawed electoral process -- which virtually guarantees the perpetual rule of the governing Barisan Nasional -- as the core cause of the exploding political, administrative and judicial rot in Malaysia, with far-reaching implications on the economy and society at large.
BERSIH commends and applauds the people for braving the rain and intimidating police actions, to turn up and support the campaign for electoral reform.
"Only when elections are clean and fair, can citizens be real masters of their own destiny and expect holders of public office to act accountably and effectively."
Friday, November 9, 2007
What If I Have Failed
Failure doesn't mean I'm a failure. It does mean I haven't yet succeeded.
Failure doesn't mean I have accomplished nothing. It does mean I have learned something.
Failure doesn't mean I have been a fool. It does mean I had enough faith to experiment.
Failure doesn't mean I have been disgraced. It does mean I dared to try.
Failure doesn't mean I don't have it. It does mean I have to do something a different way.
Failure doesn't mean I am inferior. It does mean I am not perfect.
Failure doesn't mean I should give up. It does mean I should tray harder.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Sorry Arsenal... Our 8-0 is better than your 7-0...
On a night of milestones, in which Sami Hyypia made his 100th appearance in European competition and Rafa Benitez celebrated his 50th Champions League match in charge of Liverpool, the Reds started strongly and could have taken the lead on four minutes but Andriy Voronin steered his shot wide after a great knock down by Crouch. The visitors looked shaky in defence and three minutes later Crouch somehow powered a header wide after John Arne Riise's cross found him unmarked six yards out before Alvaro Arbeloa's heavy touch prevented him from getting a shot on goal after wonderful link up play with Benayoun.
The Israeli was enjoying himself and on 13 minutes he was unlucky to see his first-time shot cannon back off the near post after Javier Mascherano had played in Alvaro Arbeloa down the right. It was only a matter of time until Liverpool got the breakthrough and it was fitting that the impressive Peter Crouch was the man to get the all-important first goal. Voronin's attempted through ball was diverted into the towering forward's path on 19 minutes and after his first effort was saved by Hakan Arikan in the Besiktas goal, he reacted instantly to fire home the loose ball.
The Reds were in complete control and three minutes later Fabio Aurelio's corner was met by a powerful header by John Arne Riise but the Norwegian's goalbound effort was brilliantly headed off the line. Crouch then fired a sizzling effort just wide from a tight angle before Benayoun netted his third goal in a Red shirt on 32 minutes. Andriy Voronin broke down the left and when his searching cross found the Israeli unmarked in the box, he composed himself before drilling the ball past the keeper. It was a comfortable lead for Liverpool to take into the interval and it got better within minutes of the restart.
Voronin cut in from the left and played a reverse ball to Riise and when his stinging shot was parried into Benayoun's path the midfielder tapped home the simplest of goals. And it was déjà vu on 56 minutes when the diminutive playmaker completed his hat-trick at the Kop end, gleefully snapping up the rebound after Steven Gerrard's powerful free-kick was pushed into his path by the bemused Arikan. The hosts were playing some wonderful football by this point and on 69 minutes Gerrard got in on the act when he latched onto Voronin's return ball to power in on goal and smash in the fifth of the night. It means the skipper is just one away from equalling Michael Owen's European record of 22 goals and he owes a huge debt of gratitude to Voronin, who clocked up his fourth assist of the evening with an inspired Cruyff flick.
The Reds then capped an incredible night with the sixth on 78 minutes when substitute Ryan Babel finished off Benayoun's cross with an audacious flick at the near post. It was all going Liverpool's way and on 81 minutes Ryan Babel charged down an attempted clearance and watched on in delight as it looped over Arikan and into the net. Babel could have had his hat-trick on 84 minutes but his close range header smashed back off the bar before Crouch finished what he had started way back in the first-half, when he headed home Benayoun's cross two minutes from the end.
Liverpool: Reina, Aurelio, Carragher, Hyypia, Arbeloa, Riise, Gerrard (c), Mascherano, Benayoun, Crouch, Voronin. Subs - Babel, Finnan, Kewell, Kuyt, Leiva, Martin, Torres
Besiktas: Ankan, Kurtulus, Diatta, Toraman, Uzulmez (c), Sedef, Cisse, Okzan, Avci, Delgado, . Subs - Higuain, Karadeniz, Kas, Recber, Tandogan, Yozgatli, Man-of-the-Match: Yossi Beanyoun
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
No Joy For God
There was to be no magic homecoming for 32-year-old Fowler, nicknamed God, a legend at Anfield after blasting 183 goals in a tremendous 369-game Liverpool career.
Cardiff did all they could. They battled bard, forced an equaliser through skipper Darren Purse and were pounding away at Liverpool to the death. But Gerrard was the difference, with a typical surging run and shot producing the winner after Purse had levelled following a long-range goal from reserve midfielder Nabil El Zhar.
Liverpool started this tie with only Gerrard and Jamie Carragher from the side who kicked off against Arsenal at the weekend. Teenager Jack Hobbs made his full debut at centre-back, with youngsters Lucas and Sebastian Leto getting run-outs. Harry Kewell was on the bench, his first involvement with the senior side since last season's Champions League final.
Fowler's name echoed around the stadium before the start, and four minutes into the match he had a great chance to score. Fabio Aurelio tripped the former England striker just outside the box in front of the Kop - and Fowler sent a curling free-kick towards the top corner. But French goalkeeper Charles Itandje flung himself to his left to claw it away.
Liverpool responded with efforts from Ryan Babel and Peter Crouch, before Aurelio produced a bending drive which Michael Oakes saw late but managed to turn around a post.
Cardiff, roared on by more than 6,000 fans at the Anfield Road end, held their own and defended well while trying to get Joe Ledley and Paul Parry into dangerous positions on the flanks.
Lucas should have done better with a six-yard line header from Alvaro Arbeloa's cross, before another smart save from Itandje denied Parry a headed goal from Tony Capaldi's 38th-minute cross.
Liverpool sprung into life when Gerrard, Babel and Crouch combined to set up Leto, but his edge-of-the-box drive flashed wide. After some probing from Gerrard and Babel, the hosts got their noses in front from an unlikely source.
No Cardiff player moved towards French-born midfielder El Zhar when he picked the ball up 25 yards out, so he unleashed a fierce, swerving effort which flew past Oakes. Cardiff needed to get their veteran strikers into action, and Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink took a Fowler pass on the left before lifting a cross-shot fractionally over the bar with Itandje struggling. Ledley took the ball into the box and found space with a clever change of feet, before seeing a low drive turned away by Itandje in the 62nd minute.
Yossi Benayoun replaced Leto a minute later - but two minutes later Cardiff were level. Parry swung in a bending free-kick from the right and Purse rose to plant a strong downward header from 12 yards past Itandje's left hand. Cardiff's hordes were in dreamland, but the lead lasted just 46 seconds.
Benayoun raced through on the left and laid the ball into Gerrard's path, and he drilled the ball home from 15 yards. Kewell came on for El Zhar with 20 minutes to go, to a rousing welcome from the Kop - and Cardiff responded by sending on Steven Thompson for the tiring Hasselbaink.
Liverpool were on top and Crouch forced Oakes into a good save with a close-range header following Babel's cross. Fowler found a yard in the box to turn Carragher and force Itandje into a reflex save. Parry had done well on the right, growing in confidence, and Lucas was booked for bringing the winger down a foot outside the box.
With six minutes left, teenager Chris Gunter came on for McNaughton, before Parry saw a 10-yard drive blocked by Aurelio. Babel was booked for encroaching at a free-kick as Cardiff threw men forward, but they could not force extra-time.
Liverpool: Itandje, Arbeloa, Hobbs, Carragher, Aurelio,El Zhar (Kewell 71), Lucas (Mascherano 87), Gerrard,Leto (Benayoun 63), Crouch, Babel. Subs Not Used: Martin, Riise.
Booked: Lucas, Babel.
Goals: El Zhar 48, Gerrard 66.
Cardiff: Oakes, McNaughton (Gunter 84), Purse, Johnson,Capaldi, Ledley, Rae, McPhail (Whittingham 89), Parry, Fowler,Hasselbaink (Thompson 75). Subs Not Used: Magennis, Loovens.
Booked: McNaughton.
Goals: Purse 65.
Att: 41,780
Ref: Peter Walton (Northamptonshire).
Monday, October 29, 2007
NOTIS Gangguan Bekalan Air di Selangor
1) Oct 29 (8am to 10pm) at Ligamas and Taman Semarak, Hulu Selangor.
2) Oct 29 (10pm) to Oct 30 (4am) at Taman Dato' Hormat, Kuala Langat.
3) Oct 29 (10pm) to Oct 30 (4am) at Kota Kemuning, Klang.
4) Oct 30 (8am to 10pm) at Bandar Country Homes, Rawang.
5) Oct 30 (10pm) to Oct 31 (4am) at Bandar Baru Klang.
6) Nov 1 (8am to 10pm) at Bukit Sentosa, Hulu Selangor.
Kalau ada apa-apa yang tak puas hati atau nak tanya lebih lanjut, capailah telefon pastu leh call 1-800-88-5252 dan boleh juga layari untuk lain-lain maklumat.
Simpanlah air untuk mandi, masak, membasuh, membuang ermm ermm dan sebagainya.
ECER - Kerajaan jaga Kelantan...
Despite being the opposition, he said the state had built a relationship with the federal government for 17 years and had never stopped or hindered any federal projects in Kelantan.
"We have always welcomed them with open arms through co-operation or discussions."
However, Nik Aziz, who spoke for 20 minutes, raised several issues including the landing of offshore gas and petroleum in the state for consideration. The menteri besar said although the matter was not considered under the ECER, the state government felt that it was important and urgent.
"To us, it should be made the main axis to generate the economy of the state. It had been identified by the state government in the past 10 years and we are appealing again for the gas and petroleum to be landed in Pantai Senok."
Nik Aziz said the Kelantan government had approved the construction of a supply base in Pengkalan Kubur, Tumpat to support the drilling and explorations in the joint development area with Thailand and Vietnam.
"It is in situations like these it is relevant to sweep aside party-based political sentiments," he said.
The menteri besar also touched on agriculture which he claimed was being given minimal focus in the ECER.
"Kelantan has always been known as an agricultural state for years. What is the point of using terms like halal hub or food bowl of the country when the focus on it is given half-heartedly?" he asked.
p/s: mengidam nak dengar & lihat Tok Guru cakap omputih live dalam TV...
1957, hati malaya...
best movie nih. ermm, bagi sesapa yg minat citer kenegaraan laa. a movie, which combined a modern set and old set of background, which is, acted by the same actors anyway... rusdi ramli, maya karin, adlin, sharifah amani and that chinese fella. lupa la nama dia.
onn jaafar, tunku abdul rahman... to name a few. potrait by really good actors. well, kesan graphics boleh digarap lagi. hmmm, shuhaimi baba kene belajar dengan yusry laa. cicak-man punya set is much better.
sesapa yg belom pergi tengok, gi lah panggung. tak rugi. berlinang air mata bila nengok perjuangan orang kita dolu-dolu usir penjajah ni keluar dari Tanah Melayu. merdeka, selamanya...
merdeka!! merdeka!!